This is a page where I am showcasing all of my programming applications that I have made over the years to allow myself and potential employers or mentors to see how much I’ve grown as a coder and where I am today.

Pattr – Flask, (November 2015 – Present)

Source code:

Pattr is an online disposable chat room intent on providing users with privacy and security online. Starting a chat is as simple as sharing a link, like and can have multiple people online at any time. – Flask, MySQL (May 2015 – November 2015)

Source code:

I developed as a solution for students and teachers to make the process of defining flashcards easier and more efficient. To read more about this project and how it was started, view my blog post. You can read about the first release of here.

Relating this project to school, I would say this is like my “final project.” It really sums up everything I know about best coding practices, web design, web development, interaction with modules, creating saving, and modifying data, and much more. If someone asked me “What do you know how to do?” right out of high school, I would point them to this website. Not only has given me a stellar opportunity to learn about business, marketing, and research, but it has allowed me to grow my portfolio ten-fold from where it was before. I’ve gotten a lot of responses like “why did you choose to make this free,” and “you put so much work into this, you should get some money out of it,” and even though I hope to introduce premium accounts some day, I tell them that doing things like “This isn’t work, it’s what I love to do,” and I think that really exemplifies my philosophy of that, not only of what I can do, in terms of high-quality coding, but also what I love to do and why I do it.

Dr. Hodum Website Redesign – Twitter Bootstrap, HTML, CSS (April 2015)

Source code:

Note: This source is outdated. For the most recent updates, please visit

Atmosity – Flask (January 2015)

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This project was developed to view local weather statistics on a dashboard over your home network. Designed to work in conjunction with a DIY Raspberry Pi weather station. It also works with local weather data.

This project is built off of Flask, a Python web development framework similar to Django. Without the Raspberry Pi integration, the app pulls local weather data based on your given zip-code in the admin panel. You can then manually push for an update that will be posted to your dashboard.

In the future, I hope to integrate this with an actual built DIY weather station. This would push real time results automatically, based on a set period. The server would be hosted by the Raspberry Pi and connect to your local network, allowing anyone on your home network to view the statistics. Included in the reports would be barometric pressure, humidity, and temperature.

Over time as the statistics and reports gather up, there would be enough data to create a graph of each measurement. Depending on certain circumstances, one of the large features would be able to export you data to a weather service to help crowd source a large weather report database and help predict future outcomes and trends.

Depending on market attention, I think it would be an interesting idea to package this idea as a whole and sell it as an open source weather kit. Software would come pre-installed on a pre-built weather station (made from an Arduino or something similar). Consumers would then connect the device to a network and turn it on, then start streaming data.

Developing this project was the first time I had ever built an entire web app solo. Not only did I learn how to navigate through Python-based web frameworks, I also learned how to interact with different Python libraries and create clear and efficient code.

What To Wear – Django (January 2014)

Source code unavailable.

A simple web application that provides clothing options based on current weather conditions.

This was a simple idea that I came up with to help myself understand some more of the basics surrounding Django, as well as the way web elements interact with data. My dad helped build some of the backend source code.

The app is pretty simple. It takes your zip code, then pulls local weather data. Based on a set of limitations, it provides certain clothing options. For example, 40 degrees Fahrenheit would return long pants and a heavy jacket. 90 degrees Fahrenheit would return shorts and a short sleeve shirt with flip flops.

Through the development of this application, I learned how to interact with web elements through the manipulation of data, as well as the supporting back-end structure in Django applications.

AisleMonkey – Django (August 2013) (Incomplete)

Source code unavailable.

An application dedicated to helping you find and sort products in your grocery list. Aimed at making grocery shopping more efficient and accessible.

This was an app that my dad and I came up with, using a database to organize items in your shopping list to make the fastest possible route through the grocery store. We first went to our local grocery stores and logged each common item and its aisle number. After doing so, we implemented a search feature that would return the aisle that product was most likely found in. In the future, we had hoped to implement the main idea of our app which would allow you to type a grocery list and have it be sorted using our aisle database.

The hardest part about releasing this app to the public would be the necessary crowd sourcing needed to gain information for grocery store layouts across the country. However, after compiling all of the information, people would finally have somewhere to go to find where the product was located.

Through this project, I learned how to experiment with the Twitter Bootstrap UI Framework. I was in charge of finding icons and creating the layout for each page. This has helped me in future projects like the redesign of my Physic’s teacher’s website (see above).

Note: This web app was also developed by another group of guys a few months after we created ours (ours was still in development at the time of their release). Many more grocery sorting apps were created later on down the road as well. Ours has the coolest name though if we’re counting points.