The Short Version

My name’s Justin. I’m a web developer and entrepreneur, passionate about changing the world. I’m a Mozilla QA Intern, and am part of OU’s Class of 2020, majoring in Management Information Systems.

The Long Version

I don’t have a book written by me or about me yet, but if I did I’d list it here. But in a more serious note… I love creating projects. I love creating businesses. I love making a difference in people’s lives and giving them something to talk about. Some of my biggest influences are Steve Jobs, and Jack Dorsey. These entrepreneurial figures have led me to become who I am today. These figures have taught me to do things, whether it be making an app or starting a business, for the love of the art, not the lust for the money.

You’ll usually be able to find me on Mozilla’s IRC network, lurking and helping out community members. I have been a contributor, defending the open web for the past three years, and am honored to have been selected as an intern for the summer of 2016.

I’ve created various web apps as I explore different areas of programming and fields of business, including, and my most recent, Both of these projects are open source, and you can view their repos here and here.

I will be attending the University of Oklahoma to pursue a degree in Management Information Systems, a blend of computer science and business, hoping to minor in Marketing. In 10 years, I see myself quickly progressing up the corporate ladder on my way to leading a company to achieve something great, or building the next great thing at a startup, working on an idea that today would be considered impossible.